Open-air prisons

16 Mar 2024

Several articles have referred to specific places as “open-air prisons”:

2017: Security clampdown bites in China’s Xinjiang region … ‘southern Xinjiang has become an open-air prison’

2017: … Rohingya trapped in open-air prison of apartheid

Syria’s Al-Hol prison camp for ISIS supporters pops back up in media. New Yorker … about 50,000 people still there, from 50 countries. Over half are children, most under 12. … people who joined ISIS or been married to ISIS member, sometimes by force … Under Kurdish fighters, largely backed by the US

Port-au-prince is an “open air prison.” AP

How many such places exist in the world, and what are the challenges to bringing the Kingdom into them?

Many movements (especially in Western environments) have said they have significant success spreading the Kingdom in jails and jail ministries, but that of course presumes access.


15 Mar 2024


19 Mar 2024



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