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The fruit of the cost

11 Aug 2023

On the other hand, here’s something I frequently observe in movements. This is from one older movement profile I have on hand: “Initial persecution was lighter. One high profile imam came to faith, and was the first open baptism. Then, in [a 4 year period], fundamentalists began to attack, destroying property and threatening. This finally dropped off because of the number of converts and high profile people. Key persecutors converted. Many Sauls became Pauls. Transforming society–family issues changed–declining dysfunction–lots of community work.”


10 Aug 2023


12 Aug 2023



What happened to the unreached this week?

Each Friday I send a newsletter to over 2,400 mission activists, advocates, managers, field workers, and pastors - about what happened among the unreached, and what could happen next. Each issue comes with a curated list of nearly 100 links, and note why each is important. You can get on the list for free.