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Center of Christianity

07 Aug 2023

Never make the mistake of thinking “Western” Christianity is the “center” of Christianity. There are more Christians in Africa (680m) than there are people in the United States. There are probably more Christians in Asia (354m) than there are people in the United States. This article on the shift of the center of Anglicanism from the global North to the global South is just one example. Most of the Anglicans in the global south have little interest in the things that occupy the attention of the global north. It’s worth thinking about whether the “majority of Christians”–e.g. believers in Africa and Asia–think about, worry about, or do about the issues that “we” focus on and write about.


06 Aug 2023


08 Aug 2023



What happened to the unreached this week?

Each Friday I send a newsletter to over 2,400 mission activists, advocates, managers, field workers, and pastors - about what happened among the unreached, and what could happen next. Each issue comes with a curated list of nearly 100 links, and note why each is important. You can get on the list for free.