The hairs on my head are numbered.

But at the same time, I alone am too small a thing: God wants me, but more than me. My family is too small: God wants them, yet more. My friends and their families are too small a thing. My neighborhood is too small a thing.

My city is too small a thing. My state is too small a thing. My tribe, people, nation are too small a thing. My political country is too small a thing. My region is too small a thing. My continent is too small a thing. God loves the whole world.

Wants the whole world.

Part of the big challenge of “reaching the best level” strategically is to “lift up our eyes” to the broader harvest.

Helping people think about how to reach the current ministry focus is important.

But helping them think about the next bigger stage is critical if they are to continue doubling, growing, and cascading over into other peoples and nations.