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04 Jul 2015

I don’t normally write articles (too much) about America.

I am an American, but I’ve spent so much time in missions and in the non-American world that the typical run of the mill American news just isn’t interesting to me.Americans seem to think our culture is collapsing – that we are somehow post-Christian.

I find this laughable. The majority of Americans profess to be Christian (even if they don’t live it).

I’ve been in countries where the vast majority (up to 90%) profess earnestly to be NOT Christian – there’s no question about whether they are “true believers” or not.

America isn’t remotely comparable to some of those places.

I know there’s much that is bad in America.

But there’s also much that is good.

America has a massive treasury of Christian thinking, resources, and people.

I hope the church in America stops thinking of itself as some kind of small, persecuted minority and starts considering how much freedom it has to be a blessing, how much of a blessing it is already, and how much it could do if it just stepped up to the plate.

Yes, sin has much freedom in America.

But righteousness, Christ-followers, have much freedom too. It seems we spend so much time worrying about whether we’re about to lose our freedoms that we often fail to use them.


03 Jul 2015


05 Jul 2015



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