I don’t normally write articles (too much) about America.

I am an American, but I’ve spent so much time in missions and in the non-American world that the typical run of the mill American news just isn’t interesting to me.Americans seem to think our culture is collapsing – that we are somehow post-Christian.

I find this laughable. The majority of Americans profess to be Christian (even if they don’t live it).

I’ve been in countries where the vast majority (up to 90%) profess earnestly to be NOT Christian – there’s no question about whether they are “true believers” or not.

America isn’t remotely comparable to some of those places.

I know there’s much that is bad in America.

But there’s also much that is good.

America has a massive treasury of Christian thinking, resources, and people.

I hope the church in America stops thinking of itself as some kind of small, persecuted minority and starts considering how much freedom it has to be a blessing, how much of a blessing it is already, and how much it could do if it just stepped up to the plate.

Yes, sin has much freedom in America.

But righteousness, Christ-followers, have much freedom too. It seems we spend so much time worrying about whether we’re about to lose our freedoms that we often fail to use them.