Essays · PPTs · Blog


25 Apr 2015

The greatest thing about succeeding is that it tells you generally how not to fail.

If all you do is fail, you will either (1) learn how to fail or (2) run out of experiments.

Success can be replicated.

So our goal, in experimenting, is not to “fail fast and fail often,” but to “finish with failure” and get to the success idea–and then replicate it, scale it up, as fast as we can.


24 Apr 2015


26 Apr 2015



What happened to the unreached this week?

Each Friday I send a newsletter to over 2,400 mission activists, advocates, managers, field workers, and pastors - about what happened among the unreached, and what could happen next. Each issue comes with a curated list of nearly 100 links, and note why each is important. You can get on the list for free.