Essays · PPTs · Blog


08 Nov 2014

FROM personal destiny TO joining the mission of God

FROM individual performance TO community participation

FROM single headship TO plurality of elders

FROM come and see TO go and tell

FROM gift-centered TO Christ-centered

FROM success by numbers TO priority on values and behaviors

FROM attraction church TO apostolic church

FROM that’s good enough TO excellence for the glory of God

FROM incremental TO truly significant

FROM personal improvement TO global responsibility

Source: E. Watt


07 Nov 2014


10 Nov 2014



What happened to the unreached this week?

Each Friday I send a newsletter to over 2,400 mission activists, advocates, managers, field workers, and pastors - about what happened among the unreached, and what could happen next. Each issue comes with a curated list of nearly 100 links, and note why each is important. You can get on the list for free.