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Powers, wrestled with

07 Nov 2014

Ephesians 6, structures that we struggle against:

Powerlessness: blindness, apathy, satisfaction, worldliness, things that neutralize power & activity.

Prisons: bondages that lock you in

Patterns of behavior that use you as fuel for cycles of relational damage, where people give and receive pain, preying on each other

Power structures, where people prey on others and multiply evil control, domination, oppression of many

Pervasive spiritual wickedness: cultural systems promoting long-term sustained evil behavior

Redemption & Resilience is about helping communities build spiritually healthy, redemptive disciplines, structures of justice, and pervasive spiritual holiness and righteousness.

Jesus never advocated military action.

He was less concerned about political powers and more with spiritual powers.


05 Nov 2014


08 Nov 2014



What happened to the unreached this week?

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