What matters to the unreached?

I scan what happened this week in the 10/40 Window, set it in context of history, and try to work out how much of it really impacts the unreached, and what it might mean to them and the spread of the Gospel and the Kingdom.
The Roundup—Every Friday, a curated list of events among the unreached, plus new resources, futuristics, and tech.
Premium Roundup—The regular Weekly Roundup, plus my weekly Commentary on current trends and my estimates of mid-term prospects, and the Ideas & Images section for 2050 to 2100.
Deomai—Every Sunday, a week’s worth of items to pray for driven by the Roundup’s current headlines.


Blog Posts


DMM Dashboard: December 2022


Prayer Guides: for unreached peoples and places.
Charts, Tables, Resources I frequently reference
Tools I use, updated for 2024.
Recommended Reads for mission and movements.
Biographies of notable missionaries.
Books I have recently read: 2021, 2022, 2023.


Evangelical Missions Quarterly, October 2023: Reporting challenges for movements in a world of misinformation and persecution.

Mission Frontiers, January 2023: How long to reach the goal?

CMIW, October 2022: More than 1%.

Beyond, 2022: Global Movement Dashboard: 1,850 DMMs, 99.9 million believers

Mission Frontiers, 2021: Why rapid growth declines as movements grow in size

GAP for FTT, 2020: Onsite Research and Simple Planning (Video).

GAP for FTT, 2020: Movement Data - an In-depth Update (Video)

Mission Frontiers, 2020: 1% of the world: 1,369 movements to Christ

Mission Frontiers, 2014: The Brutal Facts

Mission Frontiers, 2006: What it takes: more than churches

Contact Me

Email to justinlong@gmail.com or justin@beyond.org

Donate to our work via Beyond.